Thursday, October 20, 2011


September 19, 2011-Chris is out of the Navy. 

September 30, 2011- Roommate claims a landlord issue and we have to move out ASAP.

October 1, 2011-Pack all day

October 2, 2011- Start driving to SLC

October 3, 2011-Leave SLC and drive to AZ

October 4, 2011- Arrive in AZ

It has been interesting to say the very least.  For the past four years we have been used to a steady paycheck, deployments, insurance, Chris coming and going at a certain time, and the benefits of being a military family. All of those things are now gone and we are adjusting roughly (me anyway because I am the stressed out nutjob of our marriage).  We have been living off of our savings which wasn't a lot to begin with and the unexpected expense of moving back to Arizona took a chunk.  I will forever be grateful to my brother in law who lent us the gas money to drive home with.  As well as my friend Amanda that watched Christian an entire day for us so we could pack everything we owned into storage and what we could fit in our car.

I wish the Navy had better prepared us for the transition.  Chris went to a class that was supposed to help him learn to adjust to the "civilian world" but basically they handed a ton of websites to him and said thanks for serving.  Chris received a Navy Appreciation Medal the week he got out so that was pretty cool.  It was for all of his work in Iraq and Italy a few months back.  I am happy that he got a medal for all of that, he did miss pretty much his son's entire first year of life.

Which brings me to my next part of our transitional phase in life.  When Chris left, Christian was a little just turned 5 months old baby and he came home to a crawling, stumbling, talking, toddler who was then 14 months old.  They are still getting used to each other.  They love one another beyond reason, I know that.  Christian will still ask for "mama" non stop if I am gone for more than two hours. The longest they have lived together since Christian was born has been about a month.  Now they are always around each other and the frustration is there.

I have no idea where I am going with this blog post other than to just vent and to remind myself that "Jah will provide" as Chris likes to say.  My life has taken a huge change this past month, we went from a steady income and home to being unemployed and living with my parents.  Although it's not the ideal situation, I have a roof over my head, my son is  healthy and our bellies are not empty. 

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