Monday, July 20, 2009

my sailor

So, for fun, I thought I'd write a little about our lives in the Navy. Mostly his life, I'm just along for the ride. =)

This is a picture of Chris in France, he was participating in a memorial service there. This picture does a few things for me...

Chris is able to travel and see amazing things that without the Navy it would be hard for us to afford. Yes, I am incredibly jealous that I didn't get to see these things as well (i.e., The Louvre, the Mona Lisa and the Eiffel Tower).

Mostly, it puts into perspective that death is real for him. Yes, my husband has a safe job here in America, but in Afghanistan, it's a different story. No, he is not out there fighting in the front lines, but that doesn't mean his base doesn't get bombed/attacked on a daily basis. I know that there are wives who are not as lucky as I was to get phone calls and emails every day that he was there. Those were quite possibly the longest three months of his deployment. There are many things he could not tell me over the phone and still should not tell me, but I could hear it in his voice. I know my husband.

I haven't been a military wife very long and so this is just the beginning. I hear it's supposed to get easier each deployment but I'm not sure it will for me. It's hard being away from someone you've been around for 13 years. I don't know how the other wives deal with it at all. Especially the fact that technically, they are in a war. There is no safe house in war.

p.s. he's the only person i've heard of gaining weight on a deployment too lol :P

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