Friday, June 22, 2012

What in the...?

I am so horrible at blogging!!  I have a million things I wanna say and never actually sit down to say them!  I swore I would blog this year and let's see...we're in June.  Yikes.  I need to set an alarm on my phone or something. 

Well, Christian is now two and is terrible.  He is all over the place and touches EVERYTHING!!  I know this is part of him learning and the natural curiosity of a toddler but it drives me nuts some days.  He knows it too...

These are his two year old pictures.  Oh my heck, his hair is a hot mess.  I can't even begin to tell you how much gel I put into it and that hair would not lay down.  We are still letting it grow out.  I don't care how horrible it looks in the process and he seems to like it.  When I shaved his head he was pretty upset but got used to it. 

The last month/month and a half has been really rough.  Chris lost his job that was barely making our bills.  He was unfortunately fired during a payweek and only received half of a check basically.  Luckily, he was able to find another job quickly but started work there on a payweek.  We had to live off of $50 for 3 weeks after we paid  bills that couldn't be ignored.  We are behind definitely.  I know that slowly will be okay again but the waiting is killing me. Living with my parents has been a blessing.  I don't know how we would make it otherwise.  I definitely miss having funds in our savings account to get us through tough times but we completely used all of it when Chris got out of the Navy. 

Which brings me to my next point...Chris still hasn't received a single cent of BAH from the GI Bill.  We were really hoping to pay off our computer, pay for my doula training and save for a vacation this year.  However, that hasn't been possible at all and we just keep getting the run around from the school veteran's department; who tell us to just keep waiting.  SO FRUSTRATING! 

I know it will get better, everything does.  This has truly reminded me to value what I do have and be grateful for all of it and to remember that I am better off than a lot of people.  It really puts things in perspective.